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Historic District Commission Minutes 12/05/2016
Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes

Regular Meeting
Monday, December 5, 2016

Memorial Town Hall, 52 Lyme Street, Old Lyme, CT
REGULAR: John Pfeiffer (Chairman), John Forbis (Vice Chairman), Jim Bechtel, Barbara Traskos, Dini Mallory
ALTERNATE: Cynthia Taylor
Jeff Cooley
Louis Annino, Mario Pierce
Call to order, Quorum call, Approval of minutes, Communications
Public Open Forum
LACFA update: Louis Annino
Public Hearing: 30 Lyme Street, Anthony Kornacki, Solar panel installation on roof
Plaque Program Update: 206 Mile Creek Road, 209 Mile Creek Road, 6 Ferry Road, 10 Ferry Road, 110 Lyme Street, Village Shops
Secretary’s Report (CLG Report, Handbook update, 2017 Meeting Schedule)
HD Handbook update
Any other new or old business to come before the Commission (FRA Plan, National Register survey)

A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman John Pfeiffer. Jim Bechtel moved, seconded by Dini Mallory, to approve the November minutes. John Pfeiffer, Jim Bechtel, and Dini Mallory voted in favor, motion passed. John Forbis abstained.

1. Communications: none
2. Public Open Forum: no participation

3. LACFA Update: Louis Annino, Chief Facilities Officer of UNH
Mr. Annino provided an update on the maintenance plans for the academy and introduced Mario Peirce, his assistant. Structural work has been completed on the Sill House which will be preserved. The front steps will be upgraded eventually. The HDC recommended consulting Asher Benjamin’s The Country Builder’s Assistant (ca 1797) for an example of what is thought to be the design of the original front steps. The college will also be considering a redesign of the student housing at Southwick Commons so that it can accommodate students more efficiently.

4. Public Hearing: 30 Lyme Street, Anthony Kornacki, Solar Panel Installation on roof -  postponed until January 9 2017.
Anthony Kornacki submitted a CofA application to install solar panels on south side of the roof. The public hearing will be continued at the January 9, 2017 meeting, as Mr. Kornacki was unable to attend today.

5. Plaque Program Update: Martha Hansen
206 Mile Creek Road: Research has been started on the neighboring property to help clarify the history of #206. Check with Gary Holland (Martha Hansen).
209 Mile Creek Road: Research is continuing.
6 Ferry Road: Julie Quinn is working on the research.
10 Lyme Street Village Shops: The plaque has been delivered - “IGA Grocery Store ca 1929”.
110 Lyme Street: John Noyes has completed the research. The house was built in 1857 by Richard Noyes, Jr. Order plaque “Richard Noyes, Jr. ca 1857” (Martha Hansen).
32 Lyme Street: Cindy Taylor is interested in a plaque.

6. Secretary’s Report:
The annual Certified Local Government (CLG) report has been submitted.  
The HDC FY17/18 budget has been submitted to the Finance Department. The budget amount is $4700, the same as last year. The commission also submitted a Capital Expense Request in the amount of $3,000 to update and reprint the Historic District Handbook. The current handbook was updated in 2010, and the amount requested will cover updating and printing 500 copies. The HDC will be applying for a grant to reimburse the cost.
The HDC’s annual report was submitted to the town for the annual Town Report.

7. Historic District Handbook update: The new handbook will be updated to include new photos of the Historic District, and some policies and definitions will be clarified. Martha Hansen and Dini Mallory are working on the updates.

8. Any Other New or Old Business: FRA plan, National Register survey –  The HDC sent a letter to the Board of Selectmen in support of doing a survey of Old Lyme properties that may be eligible for listing on the National Register. John Pfeiffer attended the Board of Selectmen meeting and spoke in support of the survey,
which would be a valuable resource for future planning purposes.

Jim Bechtel’s term on the HDC ends in January, 2017, so this was his last meeting. Jim served on the commission for 19 years, many of them as co-chairman. His service to the town and commission has been invaluable and he will be greatly missed. Thank you for your service, Jim!

9. Adjournment:
John Forbis made a motion, seconded by Jim Bechtel, to adjourn the meeting at 10:29 am. John Pfeiffer, Jim Bechtel, John Forbis, Barbara Traskos, and Dini Mallory voted in favor, motion passed.

Martha Hansen
Recording Secretary